Orkut Hack: Save The Image's Of Any Orkut Album

I Must say that you were really helpless before reading this post isnt it.??

Well i am back with orkut hack, this time with one of the most wanted hack.The hack on how to save any images in orkut.
As you know orkut has removed the right clicking on the images, hence users were unable to save the images.But now i will tell you two methods on how to save the images.

First Method:

-Assume that you are viewing the image which you want to save on your disk, now simply click that image and drag n drop it in your url
-Thats it..now you can right click and save the image.

Second Method:

-The another way for saving the image is simply to save the page containing the image.
-On saving that page on your disk a folder will be created which will containt the image you want.

Gmail : Stop The Mail Sent in Just 5 Seconds..!!

Let me clear one thing this is not the hack.Its one more feature that’s been introduced by Gmail Team.

This Feature is best one out of all. It lets you undo the mail sent. This is something that every users like’s to have.So if at all you find that mail sent is not correct or it is missing the attached file to be send , then you can just click on the undo button and mail will move back to your compose tag.Well then, you will ask how long this undo feature works after the mail is send.The answer for that is 5 seconds.Yes you will have exactly 5 seconds left to undo it after the mail is send.

To enable this feature you just have to go to the setting--> labs-->Turn On Undo Sent mail
Official Announcement By Gmail

Orkut Hack: See Only The Basic Theme Of Orkut In All The Profiles..!!

This hack is especially dedicated to that class of people who likes only the basic-blue theme of orkut. And also wants to see the same theme on all the profiles  they visits.

Well here is the hack then,

Step1: Go to Edit Skin Page

Step2: You will Find a Check Box at the top of the newly  page opened. By default it will be Unchecked, But here we need to Checked it.

Step3: Click on the update

-----------HACK COMPLETE’s HERE-------------------------

Now you can visit any profile, will see only the Basic-Blue Orkut Theme