([tut][full][trojan -->POISON IVY 2.3.2. MUST TRY)

TROJAN-->a troja is a worm vch steatls odr person computer data ,thru a trojan u cn handle and play vd ur victim computer and get his all passess and cn format his computer also and cn do anything vd his computer ,,,trojan also works like a keylogger means u cn get all key strokes infomation ..
just create a server file like a keylogger.
if u donno hw 2 do
den just download it den click on build server option and make server acc. 2u ..
it is nearly undetectab;le...

just download and dem make a server file and den send dt server file 2 ur victim via mail ,4 making a server file just click on d button server..dts it...njoi.....


Anonymous said...

Antispyware solution from Orbasoft.
I have tried so many different types of scans to help keep my PC running at its best and one thing that I discovered is that they all tend to find the same types of bugs. The main difference between them all is the price that you pay. Recently I discovered Orbasoft Antispyware at http://www.orbasoft.com and I really like it a lot. Antispyware solution from Orbasoft is one of the best scans I have ever used and I’m sure that you will be very happy with it as well. Go ahead and give it a try, you will be glad you did!

Anonymous said...

DOnt download this is infected with a backdoor trojan virus.